

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $55.00.

diuredex injection has the anti-oedematous effect can be obtained by reducing the inflammation of conjunctive tissue and Hydrochlorothiazide has effect by increasing the diuresis.


Buy Diuredex to treat swelling in equine joints and ligaments

Soft, puffy joints or ‘stocking up’ around the joints are quite common in equine athletes. Edema or soft-tissue swelling is a result of strenuous workout or injury. It can also be caused by excessive feeding without sufficient exercise. One of the recommended treatments for controlling acute leg inflammation is cold therapy, which helps constrict damaged blood vessels and reduce ongoing fluid accumulation and internal bleeding. It is most effective when started immediately after an injury. However, if the condition becomes chronic, you may have to resort to medicines like Diuredex for sale.  It is a high-ceiling loop diuretic that eliminates excess sodium and water from the body by increasing urine frequency and production. The drug is also known to reduce blood pressure in the lungs and prevent respiratory bleeding.

Lameness is one of the biggest concerns with performance horses, and any form of internal damage may prove to be fatal in the long term. Most veterinarians, trainers, and owners are well aware of this fact and choose to buy Diuredex for comprehensive treatment. It is one of the safest formulations that has been used for decades and continues to be the first choice of treatment for several conditions. Accurate dosing and proper administration play a key role in achieving the desired results.

Get Diuredex online with exceptional quality on offer

Horses are born athletes, but they also need proper care and nutrition to keep performing. You can only expect the best from your stalwart when every part of its body is functioning normally. At Enongvet Medication, we grew out of this concern and designed an online platform that offers high-performance supplements and potent medicines under one roof. With us, you can buy Diuredex online without a prescription. Quality is the pillar of our success, and we have partnered with licensed companies to deliver satisfactory products. Horse owners recommend us for honesty, integrity, transparent pricing, and brand value. We have in-house experts to help you with professional advice. Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you think we can be of any assistance.


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