

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Neurolytic is a solution of 1.5% ammonium sulfate.
It is a reversible nerve blocker. Once injected the ammonium ion is responsible for the rapid temporary inhibition of nerve conduction with consequent blockage. It acts by ionic competition, producing a blockage in the transmission, inversely proportional to the diameter of the treated nerve fiber. Consequently, the dose to be used should be varied.


neurolitico is a solution of 1.5% ammonium sulfate.
It is a reversible nerve blocker. Once injected the ammonium ion is responsible for the rapid temporary inhibition of nerve conduction with consequent blockage. It acts by ionic competition, producing a blockage in the transmission, inversely proportional to the diameter of the treated nerve fiber. Consequently, the dose to be used should be varied.

neurolitico is a solution of 1.5% ammonium sulfate.
It is a reversible nerve blocker. Once injected the ammonium ion is responsible for the rapid temporary inhibition of nerve conduction with consequent blockage. It acts by ionic competition, producing a blockage in the transmission, inversely proportional to the diameter of the treated nerve fiber. Consequently, the dose to be used should be varied.


Ammonium sulfate: 1500 mg
Vehicle c.s.p.: 100 mL

Functional reversible block of the nerve conduction of the pain of the nerve fibers C, responsible for the conduction of the pain impulses. It is destined to equines in all those situations in which pain of any origin appears that limits the mobility of the animal. Myositis, musculoskeletal pathology in general, bursitis, synovitis, periostitis, degenerative joint disease, muscular tears, atrophies of neurovascular origin, over bones, oversights.

The application of neurolytic can be carried out as many times as necessary or the effects of the previous application disappear, since the solutions of ammonium sulphate do not produce fibrosis or other alterations.

Injection via IM, SC, intrasynovial or intrabursal.
The dose depends on the nerve you want to block.
Dose guide: digital nerves, 2 to 4 mL
Palmar nerves, 3 to 5 mL
Tibial and peroneal nerves 5 to 10 mL.
Podotroclear pouch 3 to 8 mL
Dorsal metacarpeal periostitis or intermetacarpeana 5 to 10 mL.
In intramuscular infiltrations, 5 to 10 mL per point to be treated and the 50 mL of the bottle or more can be applied, in a rump or paddle.

Vial of 50 mL.


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